
Streamer. Brother. Sportsman.

My favorite part about myself is my competitive nature. I definitely get this from growing up with all brothers, and playing sports ever since I was born. I’ve been on teams my entire life, and I know teams win or lose together. If I’m on your team, then I WILL be the best because I know it will bring the team higher. Yet, I also recognize to be the best then I have to be on the best teams to help myself learn and grow.

I try to surround myself with people of high character, drive, and those wanting to be the best. If you’re not about that then don’t expect to win me over.

My Favorite Hobby:

I love streaming on Twitch. It’s my creative outlet. My channel is called Dr3wbyDoo. I get to mess with people in chat, and play video games at the same time. My goal is to ultimately become a full time streamer because playing video games all day sounds like a pretty solid gig to me. Here’s a button to go to my channel page on this portfolio:

Quoting the entire Lord of the Rings series is my thing, but I’ll leave you with this: “One does not simply walk into an agency.” Even though I could.

Twitch Channel

YouTube Videos

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Richmond, VA